HR Solutions

A New Standard in HR Compliance

Empower your team and strengthen your portfolio of solutions.

Customize and white label your HR Hero dashboard for easy access to endless state-specific guidance, tools, training, and downloads, prepared by attorneys and industry experts.  

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Attorney-Powered HR Hotline

Thorough, plain-English answers to your most pressing questions, complete with resources and reference.

Available through phone, chat or email from the most highly respected experts in the industry, with the urgency you need.  Provide access for your team, or directly to your clients, and make attorney fees a thing of the past.

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Best-in-Class HR Tools

Provide the HR toolbox your clients are looking for - without taking the resources from your team to build them. 

From the industry's leading handbook builder, to job descriptions and state laws, the Partner Solutions Center allows you to craft exactly what your clients need to create a foundation of compliance.

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